West Basin Redistricting

Redistricting is the constitutionally required process of evaluating and adjusting the lines of federal, state, and local voting districts in accordance with changes in population and other demographics. In the modern era of redistricting, all district lines, including those for special districts such as West Basin Municipal Water District (West Basin), must be reviewed after each decennial census to meet requirements for population equality and voting rights protections.

Utilizing 2020 Census data, West Basin completed its redistricting process in April 2022, with final board adoption occurring on April 6, 2022. The updated District map that will be used for future Board of Director elections is provided below.

New District Map and Demographics

Resolution Adopting New Map and Division Boundaries

Prior to adopting updated division boundaries, West Basin held two public hearings to receive public input and testimony regarding the proposed re-alignment of the electoral districts for election to the Board (director divisions). The hearings were properly noticed in local newspapers of general circulation.

Public Hearing Notices


Online Map Tool


Previous District Map

For more information on the District’s redistricting process, please contact Matt Veeh at (310) 660-6273.


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